Nourishing Foods for health

With the increase in rate of obesity and obesity-related diseases, it’s becoming more and more important to eat nutrient-dense superfoods and exercise on a regular basis. You can’t feel healthier and younger overnight, but over time receiving balanced nutrients can help you lose weight and improve your heart health and healthy skin.

Here are the top 5 nourishing foods that should be a part of your daily diet:

1. Green leafy vegetables such as kale, broccoli and cabbage

Green leafy vegetables such as kale, broccoli and cabbage are packed with high levels of micronutrients, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants.The fiber in green leafy vegetables can help you lose weight and the antioxidant level can help to prevent aging, growth of cancer cells and accumulation of free radicals and toxins.

2. Fruits such as blueberries, goji berries, raspberries and cranberries

The high level of antioxidants in blueberries, strawberries, goji berries, raspberries and cranberries can help to prevent the growth of cancer cells, lower the damage of free radicals and toxins and slow down aging.

3. Wild salmon

Wild salmon is an amazing source of protein, omega 3 fatty acids, and DHA and valuable nutrients such as vitamin B12 and magnesium. The omega 3 fatty acids, and DHA in wild salmon are vital for neurological and brain development of growing children and babies.

4. Avocado

Avocado is high in nutrition and omega 3 fatty acid and can help with weight loss and optimum liver function.

5. Raw cacao or dark chocolate

Raw cacao or dark chocolate is an amazing source of magnesium, trace minerals, antioxidants and healthy fats and should be a apart of your daily diet.