Certain foods can help you lose weight and boost your metabolism by burning the unwanted fat in your body. If you are looking for optimum weight loss and are taking too few calories, you may lose muscle mass which ends up bringing your metabolism into a halt.
Taking too few calories could be just as risky as taking too many calories. Taking too few calories can lead to nutritional deficiencies and even weight gain. Instead of cutting down calories drastically it is better to eat healthy foods and incorporate a daily workout routine in your life.
Here are the top foods that can boost your metabolism:
1. Wild salmon
Wild salmon is a powerful source of vitamin B12, magnesium and omega 3 fatty acids. The rich source of DHA and omega 3 fatty acids in wild salmon can help to boost your immune system and reduce the unwanted fat in your body.
2. Spinach
The iron and B vitamins in spinach can help to burn fat and improve building muscles.Spinach is a great metabolism booster and can help to burn fat and reduce the accumulation of free radicals and toxins.
3. Kale
High fiber foods like kale can increase the fat burn by 30%. The high levels of magnesium, vitamin K, and iron in kale can boost the metabolism and burn fat in the body.
4. Green tea
The powerful antioxidants in green tea known as catechins can improve metabolism and burn fat. The bioactive substances in green tea known as caffeine and EGCG have powerful effect on boosting your metabolism.
5. Chili and cayenne pepper
Spices such as red pepper, chili pepper and cayenne pepper can significantly boost your metabolism and increase your fat-burning process.
6. Avocado
The omega-3 fatty acids in avocado can help to boost your metabolism and burn fat while keeping your blood sugar levels stable.
7. Dark chocolate or raw cacao beans
Dark chocolate is the best superfood for weight loss. Dark chocolate and raw cacao beans are high in magnesium and can boost your metabolism and burn fat in the body.
8. Drink more water
Drinking 4 liters of water a day can help to boost your metabolism and get rid of the unwanted fat in the body by getting rid of free radicals and toxins.
9. Coffee
The caffeine in coffee can boost your metabolism by increasing fat-burning process in the body and improving weight loss.
10. Apple cider vinegar
In a study, participants who took two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar on a daily basis significantly lost their body weight, stubborn fats and waist circumference.